We have an ongoing open call for poetry about current events. Topics of interest include - but are not limited to - politics, climate change, health, race, gender, technology, world events, obituaries, gun violence, immigration and cultural news.

Before you submit, please review our submission guidelines.

One submission may be under review at a time; each submission can include up to three (3) poems.

We are committed to featuring essential voices that have been underrepresented throughout journalistic and poetic history. We particularly encourage writers of color, women writers, LGBTQI+ writers, emergent writers, low-income/no-income writers, and/or writers near and far to submit their writing.

Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us. We look forward to reading your poetry!


Poets Reading the News is the groundbreaking digital news platform for original poetry about current events - we call it journalism in verse. Launched in 2016 from our Oakland headquarters, our publication has provided breaking poetic-journalistic coverage on a diverse range of critical contemporary issues - from gun violence to the Trump presidency, technology to #MeToo, Black Lives Matter to climate change. Visit us at: www.poetsreadingthenews.com

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.